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Case study: Young people at risk of offending map a trail around RAMM
The Royal Albert Memorial Museum & Art Gallery (RAMM) worked alongside the Youth Inclusion and Support Panel to help a chosen group of pupils make a map for a treasure hunt in the museum.
The challenges
- Working with young people at risk of offending
- Developing relationships with new partners
- Creating a resource that could be used by the general public
The background
RAMM has developed good relationships with various public sector services for young people since 2010, when RAMM organised a Think Big! event to invite alliances with new and interesting partners who support vulnerable people in and around Exeter.
This project developed as a multi-agency collaboration between the museum, Devon and Cornwall Police, the Youth Offending Team (YOT), and the Youth Inclusion and Support Panel (YISP). YISP is one of around 220 multi-agency planning groups set up around the country to prevent anti-social behaviour by working with young people and their families.
The museum presents itself as an adaptable tool which can help organisations in other sectors – such as youth, wellbeing and healthcare – to achieve their aims. RAMM is not a specialist youth service, but museum staff are passionate about the power of using objects and their stories to talk about life and our place in the world.
The project
A small group of young people were carefully selected by YISP staff and police officers to take part in this pilot project. The group developed the clues for a treasure hunt around RAMM over six sessions at the museum, and designed its layout with help from a professional graphic artist. The printed trail went on sale at RAMM for use by the general public, as a resource by young people for young people. Police officers, politicians and the young people’s parents were invited to the launch of the treasure hunt, and its creators were clearly proud of both the museum and their work in it.
What changed?
The young people taking part found this a positive experience. Some had never been in a museum before, but got to know it well, and brought friends and family to show them around. One young man said, “If people think the museum is boring then I don’t want to be their friend.”
It was valuable for the group to experience how a concept can become a reality, through planning each step and maintaining commitment to the project. It made them proud to see their contribution to the museum being recognised and valued.
What did people say?
“When I first came, I thought it would just be a day off school, but I loved it.” Participant
“I like the way that RAMM shows you the past. It’s just awesome – I love the museum.” Participant
“I think the treasure hunt will help others to learn more. I’ve learned a lot.” Participant
“Creative partnerships are worth their weight in gold…. [This is a] really innovative way of doing business.” Jim Gayle, Temporary Police Commander for Exeter East and Mid Devon
What next?
YISP works with these young people to build on their experiences at RAMM and nurture future aspirations. This was a very successful partnership, and RAMM continues to work with YISP. Where possible, the young people involved in this pilot project were offered other opportunities to take part in activities at RAMM. The Treasure Hunt is on sale at the museum for a nominal price which will help to pay for future re-prints.
For further information
Please contact Ruth Gidley, RAMM Engagement Officer: [email protected].