It has been a difficult year for young people, with mental health challenges skyrocketing. RAMM is committed to providing some support and joy with a youth photography project inspired by museum objects.
As part of RAMM’s wellbeing programme, Frame of Mind harnesses the idea that taking a pause to look slowly and carefully at the world around us can help us feel good. Mindful photography is an expanding field. It is all about taking your time, following your instincts, and enjoying the creative process. In this project, the details of museum objects inspire a weekly task to search for a theme around you.
For example, a piece of decorated barkcloth from Fiji might spark the idea to look for patterns in nature. It invites you to get outside and have a go at telling your own story with just a smartphone or a camera. A photographer provides helpful tips, and an art therapist offers easy mindfulness exercises.
The project reaches 14 to 18-year-olds through a partnership with Exeter-based Youth Arts & Health Trust. Those who have benefited from the programme so far include children with the difficult task of being carers for their parents, and young people coping with anxiety or depression, sometimes exacerbated by autism.
RAMM Engagement Officer Ruth Gidley said: “Do you know a curious young person who is struggling a bit, maybe doesn’t normally join groups but thrives on creativity and could do with some really deep breaths? This might be for them.”
There’s a choice of online workshops and/or participation through the social media platform Instagram. Anyone can contribute by posting to #rammframeofmind.
New groups start in September and October, and the Instagram site @rammframeofmind runs until the end of the year. Contact [email protected] for more information.
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