Explore the museum at a slower and more mindful pace with our new, free Mindful Museum audio guide.
The tracks can be played individually, or as a full trail. You can choose your own route and spaces in the museum to carry out the activities in the guide. You can go at your own pace, pause, reflect and return to the resource depending on how you feel.
This resource was created with students and tutors from the Devon Recovery Learning Community, a Recovery College of Devon Partnership NHS Trust.
There are two voice options for this guide: the first is voiced by a female narrator, the second features the same tracks, but voiced by a male narrator.
The guide is available below or can be accessed on Soundcloud.
Guide 1 – female narrator
Wandering mindfully
Mindfulness of the body
Looking mindfully
Listening mindfully
Mindfulness of thinking and feeling
Beginner’s mind
Guide 2 – male narrator
Wandering mindfully
Mindfulness of the body
Looking mindfully
Listening mindfully
Thoughts and feelings
Beginner’s mind
Did you enjoy the guide? Do you have feedback for us? You can contact us here, or tweet us @rammusuem.
Thank you to our funders Art Fund and RAMM Development Trust for supporting this project.