
A group tour is a great way to experience RAMM and its collections<\/p>\n\n\n\n

It is not necessary for you to book a tour if you just wish to visit the museum. Self-led group visits are also welcome, however we would very much appreciate it if you would still let us know you are coming by calling 01392 265858.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

If your group is less than 8 people (or it’s just you) you may wish to consider buying tickets for one of our scheduled tours at Explore the museum guided tour<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

The tours offered on this page are not suitable for primary school age children, instead please look at the options available to you at Learning<\/a><\/p>\n\n\n\n

Private group tours<\/h4>\n\n\n\n

Subject to the availability of our volunteer tour guides, we are able to provide private group tours Tuesday through to Saturday, starting from 10.30am and finishing by 4.30pm for a total visiting group size of 30 or less. We are unable to offer evening tours when the museum is closed, unless it is part of a Venue hire<\/a> booking.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Please note the duration, cost and maximum number of participants for each type of tour below. We can usually accommodate up to two groups of 15 people at a time for the Explore the Museum Tour and two groups with a staggered start time for the Roman and Egyptian Tours. Tours have differing maximum limits due to the available space and the ability for participant to not only see what the guide is talking about, but also to hear them clearly.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Our volunteer-led tours cover the permanent collections of RAMM and last up to an hour with questions and answers at the end. The available tours include:<\/p>\n\n\n\n

>> Explore the Museum Tour (1 hour \u2013 max 15 people per group, 8-12 is more comfortable)<\/strong>
Discover objects and stories with our tour guide. Meet Gerald the giraffe, find out about the samurai armour, listen to the story behind the totem pole. Finish your tour with local history, from the first settlers in Devon to the Second World War. This one-hour tour is a great way to get an overview of the museum before going on to explore for yourself.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

>> Roman Devon Tour (30-40 minutes \u2013 max 12 people per group)*<\/strong>
A 30-minute tour of RAMM’s Roman collection. Learn about the discovery of the Seaton Down Hoard and life in Roman Devon and Exeter. Find out about the arrival of a Roman Legion in Isca, the construction of the fortress and bathhouse. Discover what life was like in the civilian city of Isca Dumnonoirum when the legion left. What did the Romans leave behind in Devon and Exeter? Learn about the Seaton Down Hoard and view the complete coin hoard which is on permanent display.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

>> Ancient Egypt Tour (30-40 minutes \u2013 max 12 people per group)*<\/strong>
A 30-minute tour to explore our Egyptian collection and visit the tomb of Shep en-Mut. Learn about the gods, religion and objects from everyday life, such as amulets, make-up and jewellery. Visit Shep en-Mut and view her cartonnage and coffin. Hear Shep en-Mut’s story, learn about canopic jars, shabtis and much more.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Tour costs<\/strong>
\u00a32.50 per person (minimum \u00a320 per group) for our 30 minute Roman or Egyptian Tour
All other tours \u00a34.50 per person (minimum \u00a336 per group).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The cost of our tours include a 10% discount voucher for each participant to use in the museum shop on the day of the visit, as well as the option to purchase a copy of the RAMM souvenir guide at the discounted price of \u00a34 (normally \u00a35).<\/p>\n\n\n\n

>> Specialist subject curator-led tours<\/strong>
We are able to offer a limited number of curator led tours. These start at \u00a3101.45+VAT for a group of 12 for one hour and are subject to the availability of the subject specialist curator.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

>> Behind the Scenes Tours<\/strong>
Whilst the roof replacement work is taking place, we are unable to offer behind the scenes tours until mid 2025. You should note that behind the scenes tours are only able to accommodate a maximum group size of six people. The spaces between the storage racks are only one metre wide.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Once we send you a final confirmation email, we will request a deposit of \u00a345 (via invoice) if the total cost is over \u00a3100, which should be paid no later than 14 days before the visit. After the visit we will send a second invoice for the final balance.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

To proceed, please complete a Tour Enquiry Form<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

A group tour is a great way to experience RAMM and its collections It is not necessary for you to book a tour if […]<\/div>\n
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