Heinrich & Palmer, Aerial

20 July – 3 November 2019

Artists Anna Heinrich and Leon Palmer were commissioned to create a new video for the exhibition Birds without Borders, inspired by RAMM’s migration theme.

Aerial begins with a flight over Arctic landscapes and ends by looking in detail at a single feather. The artists Heinrich and Palmer used point cloud data from a CT scan of a feather and 3D laser scans of birds n RAMM’s collection to create this artworkThey explain their making process as:

Heinrich and Palmer, Aerial, 2019, a series of layered blue birds.
Heinrich and Palmer, Aerial, 2019

‘Our starting point for exploring fourteen migratory birds was the idea of journey.  The medium has enabled us to animate a series of flight paths through the group of birds, creating new juxtapositions between species. Aerial developed out of the editing process: the slow process of exploring the point clouds revealed unexpected qualities unique to the birds.’