Teacher-led visits

We have a number of slots available for free teacher/lecturer-led visits

We look forward to welcoming your school/college/university to RAMM.

Education group visits are limited to 120 pupils/students in total at a time, plus teachers/lecturers and assistants.  You are asked during your visit to split into smaller groups of 8-12 students so that the whole group is not in the same public space/gallery in the museum at the same time.

When you make your booking it is possible to reserve two time slots so you can bring 240 students to the city, with up to 120 visiting RAMM before Noon and up to 120 after Noon. You may wish to consider combining your visit to Exeter with a visit to Exeter Cathedral or a themed tour of the city given by the Exeter Red Coats.

You may also like to take a look at the online learning resources that we have made available. These are created for Key Stage 2 pupils, but available to anyone who has an interest.

What we offer

Self-led education group visits are free.

You are welcome to sketch and take notes but no wet or messy media such as watercolours or charcoals are allowed. Photographs can generally be taken throughout the museum. Sometimes some of our temporary exhibition galleries have photographic restrictions, but if this is the case it will be clearly sign-posted.

No eating is allowed in the galleries, but you are welcome to take a snack/lunch break in our garden area by the garden entrance at the rear of the museum. Ideally bags and coats should remain with student as they walk around the museum. Subject to availability a room can be booked for the deposit of bags and to eat lunch.

NOTE: The temporary availability of the former café seating area to eat your own food, whilst we seek a new café operator, is limited to educational groups of 12 pupils or less.

RAMM is fully accessible to anyone with mobility disabilities, including toilets and bookable parking at the rear of the museum. The nearest drop-off point for coaches is in Queen Street outside Exeter Central railway station, 100 metres from our Queen Street entrance.

We offer schools the opportunity to complete Arts Award Discover. This takes the form of a booklet that can be easily completed in a single trip. It is a creative and fun way to find out about RAMM and the many different things the museum has in it. Find out more about Arts Award Discover here.

Why not try out the Free Activity Sheets which you can download from the foot of this page and print.  It’s a good idea to download and read through for ideas a little while before visiting so you can see which would best suit your group.

What we require from you

Please do:

  • Book your visit online
  • If our booking system does not allow you to book the number you require, it means that another group has already booked part of the 120 allocation for that date/time
  • There are limits on how far ahead you can book with dates released in term blocks. At May half-term holiday we release the autumn term, October half term holiday we release the spring term and February half-term holiday we release the summer term
  • Familiarise yourself with RAMM and formulate your own risk assessment
  • Plan a suitable venue for your lunch break. A room can be hired for lunch but food and drink may not be consumed in the galleries. We also have an outdoor garden area at the rear of the museum for fine days
  • Upon arrival at Garden Reception, next to the Phoenix Arts Centre, please register with reception to confirm that adult to student ratios are correct
  • Keep access to galleries and exits clear
  • Please do not leave bags and coats on the floor in galleries and public spaces


If you would like access information prior to your visit then this can be found at Visit > Access further questions can be made through Contact Us

Guidance for your Risk Assessment:

Public Liability Insurance Certificate [PDF]

Schools supervision

One teacher must be QTS accredited (Qualified Teacher Status) and there must also be an additional teacher to circulate between groups in addition to assistants/parent helpers. You should split your larger group into group of 8-12.

  • Children aged 0 to 4 = 3 children to 1 adult
  • Children aged 5 to 7 (KS1) = 6 children to 1 adult
  • Children aged 8 to 11 (KS2) = 10 children to 1 adult
  • Children aged 12 and over (KS3+) = 15 children to 1 adult

Accompanying adults should not have babies/toddlers/buggies with them.

First aid provision

RAMM can provide basic first aid in the event of a minor accident. If any pupil has specific illnesses, however, e.g. epilepsy, diabetes, allergies etc., the school must bring an adult who has specialist knowledge and ability to treat these pupils.

Minor injury

All students and adults should wear appropriate clothing and footwear and only walk in the museum to avoid slips and trips.

Allergic reaction to materials on open display

Teachers need to be aware of allergies amongst their children and if in any doubt about the possibility of allergic reaction to materials on open display then the risk to their children should be assessed in the familiarisation visit.

Room hire for bags and lunch

When available, a meeting room can be booked to leave bags and have lunch. The room is usually booked from 10am* to 2pm and has a maximum capacity of 62. Two sittings for lunch are possible if you have two classes visiting the galleries before Noon and another two classes after Noon.

Room for bag deposit and lunch: £150.00 (excluding VAT).

To hire the room for bags and lunch, please telephone 01392 265858.

* 10.30am on Tuesdays, other days remain at 10am

Free activity sheets

Here are three activity sheets to help guide your visit around RAMM. For the best experience, print them double-sided in colour on A3 paper and fold them along the short side.

Please ensure when visiting you split your class into small groups of approx. 8-12 pupils. If you will be using the activity sheets, start each group of 8-12 students on a different activity number.

Use this floor plan  to plan your visit.