About the RAMM Development Trust

The RAMM Development Trust raises vital funds to support the work of the Royal Albert Memorial Museum & Art Gallery, affectionately known as RAMM.

“For over 150 years, RAMM has been providing education, inspiration and excitement for visitors. That has been true of generations of my family too. How could I not support this great institution?

David Fursdon, HM’s Lord-Lieutentant of Devon and RAMM Patron

How does the RAMM Development Trust support the museum?

The trust has been providing vital support to the museum since 1994. Its help has been wide ranging and impacted on many people’s lives.

Support has helped:

  • Put on inspiring and thought provoking events such as RAMM Lates
  • Care for objects so that the stories they can tell can be shared, like the hospital portraits
  • Purchase important objects for the collection such as ‘Wing’ by local, internationally acclaimed artist Peter Randall-Page
  • Transform the museum and galleries through major capital redevelopment works
  • Bring in larger grants, by using the trust funds as local matched funding

Who runs the Trust?

The trust is run by dedicated volunteers who are committed to making sure funds raised will support RAMM in the most effective way.

The current RAMM Development Trust trustees are:

  • Derek Phillips (Chair)
  • Sharon Austen (Treasurer)
  • Caroline Fowle
  • Cllr Andrew Leadbetter
  • Laura McFadyen
  • Howard Noye
  • Brana Thorn
  • Cllr Laura Wright
  • Judie Yung

How do they raise funds?

Crucial funds are raised in different ways – could you support in one of these ways?


If you would like to talk to someone about the Trust’s work, please contact Claire Bailey, RAMM’s Development Officer

E: [email protected]

T: 01392 265991

RAMM Development Trust policies

The Development Trust’s grant-giving, complaints, and whistleblowing policies are available on the reports, plans and policies page.