The new roles will link older people with creative and cultural opportunities in the city.
Community Connectors Caz Elsden and Susy Dunne are part of the Wellbeing Exeter team, employed by Age UK Exeter and based at RAMM. They will work with older people in the community to help combat loneliness and isolation, connecting them to opportunities in the museum, arts activities, historic buildings, libraries and cultural events.
We are working with RAMM, Age UK Exeter and Wellbeing Exeter to work with older people in a range of ways involving arts, culture and heritage.
I have a background in theatre, education and community arts and have been in Exeter for nearly 20 years. I’m feeling very lucky to be working at RAMM!We are on the lookout for people aged 50+ to connect with for the project who may be interested in using the arts or a cultural experience as a means to improve their own wellbeing.
Susy Dunne, Community Connector
Nicky Flynn, Chief Executive Officer, Age UK Exeter explains how Community Connecting works: “Older people may be referred to these community connectors because they are experiencing loneliness and isolation, struggling with caring responsibilities or they might need help in managing health conditions. With health and social care services stretched, community connecting can help save money in those statutory services, and have a very powerful effect on people’s lives. Engaging with culture can help keep older people well, aid their recovery following illness and support longer lives better lived.”
Find out more about Community Connectors, including how to make a referral, here: Community Connecting | Wellbeing Exeter | Exeter