We are excited to announce a new participatory performance for pregnant women in their second and third trimesters by artist, activist and shaman Grace Ndiritu.
Labour #2: Birth of a New Museum is an intimate and spiritual shamanic session with pregnant women in their second and third trimesters. The ceremony aims to help women discover the ‘soul name’ of their unborn child. The performance follows Ndiritu’s Labour #1, which took place at Nottingham Contemporary in November of 2021.
She will focus on themes of lineage and legacy, drawing on indigenous ideas that urge current generations to live and work for the benefit of future generations.
26 November, 6 to 8pm at RAMM

These themes will also be explored in RAMM’s upcoming Earth Spells: Witches of the Anthropocene (2023) exhibition, which will feature a film made of this performance.
- The session is free and open to 15 – 20 pregnant women in their second or third trimesters
- Participants can expect to be sitting on beanbags, cushions, or lying down on yoga mats. Every effort will be made to ensure that you are comfortable.
- No incense or candles will be used, but there may be bowls of sage water.
- Low-volume music will be played, and Grace will be playing a shamanic hand-drum.
- The session is a gentle yet deep process.
- The event will be photographed and filmed in order to produce a film for display in RAMM’s upcoming exhibition Earth Spells: Witches of the Anthropocene (2023).
- There will be snacks and drinks available after the performance, and a chance to socialise and talk to Grace about your experience.
If you are pregnant and in your second or third trimester, or you will be by November 26, and you are interested in taking part or would like more information please email the RAMM events team at [email protected]