Exeter’s Royal Albert Memorial Museum remains open as repair work continues on the roof of the iconic building.
Earlier this year it was revealed that RAMM had been awarded £498,000 funding for roof repair works on the Victorian building in Queen Street.
RAMM was one of four museums in the region to benefit from funding for “urgent museum maintenance and infrastructure works”.
Work on the roof began in September 2023 and is ongoing. The museum will remain open throughout the entirety of the works, although some individual galleries will need to close temporarily while work is taking place. From Tuesday 16 February the insects gallery Fly on the Wall and the birds gallery In Fine Feather will be closed. They will re-open later this year.
RAMM will open two new exhibitions at the end of the month. ARTIST ROOMS Bill Viola explores the work of American artist Bill Viola (born 1951), recognised internationally as a pioneer of video art, through three intimate and moving works from his well-known series the Passions. ARTIST ROOMS is a national programme and collection managed by Tate and National Galleries of Scotland
Pressing Images: prints from Exeter’s fine art collection will illustrate to visitors the results of the dawn of the revolution brought about by the introduction of the printing press, which democratised art by making images accessible and affordable for the first time. A multifaceted selection of forty-five works from the RAMM collection will lead audiences on a captivating journey through time, from 16th-century woodcuts to the cutting-edge creations of the 21st century.
For more details on all forthcoming events and exhibitions, as well as gallery closure notices, visit the RAMM website rammuseum.org.uk