Gallery close-up captions

RAMM’s digital close-up captions enable you to use your own mobile device to read the information that is on display beside each object. There are over 8,000 objects on display.

Below is a list of gallery names to enable you to navigate to the correct captions.  The larger galleries are subdivided into specific subjects or the time period of each case.

Temporary Exhibitions (G22 & 21)

Exeter’s Fine Art Collection (G20)

Fly on the Wall (G18)

In Fine Feather (G17)

Sladen’s Study (G16)

Ancient Worlds (G15)

World Cultures Americas (G13)

World Cultures (G12)

Finders Keepers (G11)

Cafe temporary exhibitions & displays

Courtyard (G1)

Making History (G3 and G4)

The cases in Making History contain a large number of objects and you will find some are divided into subsets as the number series repeats.

Down to Earth (G2)

Viewpoint Windows (G8)

The Egyptian Tomb (G14)